Our blog

In our blog you will find a lot of useful and relevant information about Forex trading and not only. Here we will post useful articles that will help to make your life more comfortable.

The role of economic indicators in shaping the Forex market

The role of economic indicators in shaping the Forex market

Worried that a currency pair will plummet in value and you will lose money? Understand the influence of economic indicators on the Forex market and tr...


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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The Role of the U.S. Dollar in the World Economy

Implications of the Strengthening Dollar for the World Economy

Learn about the causes and consequences of aggressive Fed policies, geopolitical events, and the energy crisis, and how these factors affect global fi...


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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France's main financial index CAC40 on the rise

New rise in CAC40 and Britain's parliamentary elections - Paris Bourse

The parliamentary elections in France have had a tangible impact on the country's economy. However, France is not the only country undergoing a change...


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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Indices in trading - a simple explanation

What are indices in trading and how to trade them?

Indices are interesting financial products that allow you not only to assess the state of the economy of a state or business sector, but also to profi...


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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Trading Psychology: 5 Tips for managing emotions

Trading Psychology: How to keep your cool and win - 5 powerful tips

Learn how to stay cool and avoid impulsive decisions in trading: 5 key tips for managing emotions....


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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Will the S&P 500 reach a historical record?

A new historical record for the S&P 500? Fundstrat Opinion

Tom Lee, Head of Fundstrat Global Advisor, expressed his opinion on the growth of the S&P 500 Index. He emphasized the factors that support his predic...


profile-iconPiotr Skowroński

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