Types of investments: What do you need to know?


Investing is a way to invest your money in assets with the aim of making a profit. There are many different types of investments, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. To choose the right investment, you need to consider your financial goals, risk profile and investment horizon.

Types of investments

Investments can be divided into two main categories:

  • Income Producing Assets: These assets generate cash flows in the form of interest, dividends or rent. These include stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals.
  • Appreciating Assets: These assets tend to increase in value over time. These include stocks, real estate and works of art.


Shares are securities that give the owner a stake in a company. When you buy shares, you essentially become a part owner of the company. Shares can generate income in the form of dividends and price growth.


Bonds are debt obligations that an issuer (company or government) issues to raise capital. When you buy a bond, you are essentially lending the issuer money. Bonds earn income in the form of interest.

Real estate

Real estate is land and any buildings, structures or other improvements on it. Real estate can generate income in the form of rent or price increases.

Precious metals

Precious metals are metals that are valued for their rarity and beauty. Precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum are often used as investments.

Other types of investments

Other types of investments include:

  • Investment funds: Investment funds are collective investments that pool the money of several investors to purchase different assets.
  • Passive Income: Passive income is income that is generated without the need for active participation on the part of the investor. Sources of passive income include dividends, rent and interest.
  • Investing in Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses cryptographic techniques to ensure the security of transactions.

How to choose investments?

When choosing an investment, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Financial Goals: What are your financial goals? Do you want to invest for income, capital growth or something else?
  • Risk profile: How much are you willing to risk your money?
  • Investment horizon: How long do you plan to invest?


Investing is a complex process that requires careful planning and research. Before you start investing, it is important to understand the different types of investments and the risks associated with each.


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